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Test System

Data extracts

Data extracts

​​BC Assessment can provide property information to meet the unique business needs of our customers. Prices will vary depending upon the number of folios/properties, the intended usage, type of properties requested and number/type of data elements needed.

Property information is carried for every property type in British Columbia:


  • Single Family Dwellings
  • Duplexes
  • Condos

  • Accommodations
  • Civic & Recreation
  • Commercial
  • Farm
  • Industrial
  • Multi-Family
  • Strata Income, Commercial and Investment
  • Transportation & Utilities

Data element categories


For more details on what data elements are available please view our Data Catalogue.

Please be aware that data elements that may result in the identification of a
property owner are not available for purchase.

Use of data


Licensee only uses data for its own internal purposes and does not include it in products sold to others.


  • Government organization, such a municipality or First Nation, uses data to provide government services or tax property
  • University conducting research on property values in BC
  • A Commercial company using data for internal statistical analysis


Licensee uses data to create their own products for profit.


  • Valuation company uses data to produce Auto-Valuation Model
  • Consulting firm uses data to create reports about BC property to sell to real estate agents, banks and mortgage brokers
  • Technology company uses data to create or update maps