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Test System

Self-serve reports

Self-serve reports

​​​​​​​​​​Self-serve reports is an application that allows users to retrieve standard and customized reports for assessment roll, roll comparison, residential inventory, and non-market change information.

The service is specifically for our Local Government and Regional District clients and requires individual registration and log-in credentials.

Before customers can access Self-serve reports, they must have completed the following: 

  • Received confirmation that their Self-serve reports access has been activated

Click here to login to the Self-serve report application.

Custom reports

Cannot find the data you need in Self-serve reports?  BC Assessment can develop specialized reports built to meet the unique business needs of local governments.

Any of our products, including Data Advice, can be customized and run by keyfile, bulk mail code, or filtered by specific classification codes, or by property type in our database.  Note, charges may apply.

For pricing or other information on Custom Reports, contact BC Assessment's Data Partnerships Team:

Phone: 1-866-valueBC or 1-866-825-8322 (local 00119​)
