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Test System

Data for public sector organizations

Data for public sector organizations

​​BC Assessment is committed to supporting other public sector organizations to deliver high-quality services to the citizens of British Columbia. BC Assessment currently helps a number of organizations in providing services to citizens and managing assets efficiently.

Public sector organizations

      BC Assessment data supports:

Surveyor of Taxes, Ministry of Finance
  • Production of rural property tax notices to raise funds to pay for services in rural areas as well as collect taxes on behalf of regional districts, regional hospital districts and improvement districts throughout the province

  • Administration of the Home Owner Grant program which reduces the amount of property tax payable by eligible property owners
Public Works and Government Services Canada
  • Determination of Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) which benefit taxing authorities where property owned by federal departments is situated
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC)
  • Management of expenditures to its service providers by providing land valuation analysis in selected markets
BC Housing
  • Administration of the Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program by providing valuation data used to prepare home value limits in determining eligibility for the HAFI program.  

Data exchange

BC Assessment is interested in pursuing data exchange opportunities with other public sector organizations. Our goal is to augment our property information data in an efficient and cost-effective manner while protecting the privacy of property owners.

More information

For pricing or other information:

Contact BC Assessment’s Data Partnerships Team:

Phone: 1-866-valueBC or 1-866-825-8322 (local 00119)