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Request information for a single property (BC OnLine)

Request information for a single property (BC OnLine)

To provide customers with convenient and efficient information services at reasonable costs, BC Assessment makes its property information database accessible through BC OnLine. The BC OnLine Internet service provides private and public sector customers with access to a number of government databases.

Land Title and Survey Authority of BC records such as land titles and plans can be accessed through myLTSA at

BC Assessment's property database

BC Assessment's database contains non-confidential assessment information for all real property in British Columbia. This information is copyrighted by BC Assessment.

The database records combine the most current ownership information with the most recently published assessment information. BC OnLine customers can search the BC Assessment database to:

  • access a Property Identification (PID) number to search the Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA) System;
  • search for property ownership or location information;
  • obtain detailed property assessment roll information including recent sales; and
  • obtain residential property inventory details.

Customers can access three levels of property information from BC Assessment, and another level directly from the LTSA:

Level 1: Owner/Location Query Report (OQ)

The Owner/Location Query Report lists the following information on any property

  • assessment area
  • jurisdiction code
  • address
  • roll number
  • neighbourhood number
  • school district number
  • number of owners along with their name and address
  • the property’s LTSA document and PID numbers
  • the LTSA file number (if one exists)
  • the legal description of the property

Level 2: Assessment Roll Query Report (AQ)

The Assessment Roll Query Report contains information listed in the Level 1 report plus:

  • the property class
  • manual class of buildings
  • value of both land and improvements
  • total actual value
  • previous actual value (2 years)
  • actual and land use information
  • tenure information
  • the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) code
  • the property’s dimensions
  • the five most recent sales

Level 3: Residential Inventory Query Report (IQ)

The Residential Inventory Query Report contains information listed in both the Level 1 and 2 reports, plus:

  • main building manual class
  • year built
  • effective year
  • total finished area
  • number of stories
  • number of bathrooms
  • number of bedrooms
  • pool-yes or no
  • foundation/basement
  • garage
  • carport

Land Title Survey Plans

The Land Title and Survey Authority’s Land Title Survey Plan images are accessed through myLTSA at

The Land Title Survey Plan transaction is an electronic image of the original registered survey plan that can be downloaded to a personal computer. Survey Plans usually include:

  • lot dimensions
  • lot area
  • lot boundaries
  • adjoining plan numbers
  • date of registration
  • legal description
  • in the case of stratas, building details

How to subscribe?

Any person who subscribes to BC OnLine can access the BC Assessment database. The amount of detail required (i.e. which level of reports users choose) will determine the cost of the search.

To obtain your registration package, call BC OnLine’s province-wide toll free number: 1-800-663-6102. In Victoria, telephone 953-8250 or fax 953-8222, or visit the BC OnLine website at

Customers wishing to access land title survey plans can register for myLTSA at the Land Title and Survey Authority’s website at


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