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Property information services

Property information services

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​BC Assessment provides government and business customers with the most accurate property information for over 2 million properties in British Columbia. This includes assessment, inventory, permits,​ and sales data.

BC Assessment can​​ serve your unique project requirements through the
following products and services:

  • Custom Reports for property information specific to your requirements
  • Monthly Sales Report delivers the previous three month’s residential and commercial sales transaction data directly to your email
  • Assessment Search (formerly known as e-valueBC) for access to BC Assessment’s online tool
  • Single Property Reports

To get started, select the option below​​ that best fits your personal or organizational needs.

Property owners graphic

Property Owners

Access and review your property assessment, compare it with others in your neighbourhood, and search properties throughout British Columbia.

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Government – Federal, Provincial & Crowns

Inform your decision-making, policy development,​ environmental analysis and more with up-to-date property information.

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Local Government & Indigenous Relations

Access foundational property information to inform taxation, and policy development.

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Trusted property information to enhance your decision-making, databases, and overall market intelligence.

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Acquire a diverse range of custom and standardized property information to support your research objectives, or enrich your curriculum materials.

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Capturing and S​​haring Property Data with BC Assessment

To ensure accurate asse​ssments, we capture and share property information.