BC Assessment produces a variety of publications to help explain the property assessment process. These include fact sheets on a wide range of assessment topics and legislatively required documents to report on planning and performance.
The forms and questionnaires below open in a secured window. Upon submitting the completed form, another "pop up window" will confirm that BC Assessment received your submission. You will also receive an email from BC Assessment with the information you submitted. When you are finished, simply close the window.
Notice of Complaint (Appeal) Form
This form is no longer available, as the January 31, 2025 deadline to file a Notice of Complaint (also known as an “appeal”) with the Assessor, has passed. If you wish to file a late appeal, please contact the BC Assessment Office shown on your Assessment Notice. Click here for more information on our appeals page.
For Indigenous Nations Appeals, please refer to the
Appeal Process for Indigenous Communities, and use the form that applies to your Nation.
Withdrawal of Notice of Complaint (Appeal) Form
This form can be used to withdraw your Notice of Complaint (Appeal). Withdrawals from the 2025 Property Assessment Review Panel are only accepted until March 14, 2025. Some First Nations appeal tribunals may allow for withdrawals beyond March 14; please confirm with your local assessment office whether that is the case.
Address change
Change of Address Form
This online form (or
printable PDF version) can be used to update BC Assessment of any changes to your mailing address. Before filling out this form, please have your property assessment or assessment roll number with you to assist you through this process. If you have any issues filling out this form, please contact BC Assessment.
Bulk Mail Code Address Change Form
This online form is to be used where the owner and mailing address is identical for five or more properties throughout the province has a bulk mail code, and the owner is requesting a change to the mailing address.
Information access and privacy
Authorization to Receive Confidential Property Information (PDF)
This form is to be completed in full and signed by the property owner (or authorized signatory) before BC Assessment may release confidential property information to a person who is acting on the property owner’s behalf. This form is not required for residential properties that accommodate fewer than three families (in such cases, the owner simply has to provide written authority to release confidential information). Please refer to the
Authorization to Receive Confidential Information Page for additional information on how to complete the Form.
Please Note: As Property Value Summary (PVS) Reports do not contain confidential property information, an Authorization to Receive Confidential Property Information Form is not required when acting on behalf of the owner(s). For additional information on PVS reports, please refer to the
Request a property value summary report page.
Income requests
Income Request Form - Apartment
This form is for apartment complex owners and/or their agents who received the Income Request Form in the mail.
Income Request Form – Retail/Industrial/Office
This form is for commercial property owners and/or their agents who received the Income Request Form in the mail.
Residential property data validation
Residential Questionnaires
Contains links to Residential questionnaires for residential property types (Residential (House), Strata, Manufactured Home, Recreational Home, Rural Residential). Completion is only required if requested by an appraiser, or a mail-out request was received. Convenient electronic submission option. Also includes the Property Data Verification Form as well as a Data Validation Form which can be used to report errors in Assessment Search.
Strata Accommodation Property Classification Forms
These are electronic versions of forms sent to property managers/owners regarding the classification of short-term rental strata properties.
Assessment relief
Section 19(8) Application Form (PDF)
Form to be used by owner and occupier of eligible Residential Property for Assessment to be based on Residential use. For more information regarding Section 19(8) eligibility, please refer to Section 19(8) of Assessment Act – Special assessments for certain long term residents.
General Application and Notice of Commitment – For Eligible Major Industry Property Status (PDF) under Section 20(8) of the
Assessment Act.
Form to be used by Owner or Authorized Representative to apply/commit to the requirements of section 20 (8-12) of the
Assessment Act to maintain existing use/production levels of the property, to ensure the market value of the land reflects a Major Industrial use.
Application for Extension and Notice of Commitment (PDF) – For Eligible Major Industry Property under Section 20(10) of the
Assessment Act.
Form to be used to provide notice for extension to eligible major industry property status (if extension application is approved/granted by the Lieutenant Governor in Council), to ensure existing use/production levels of the property are continuing and that the market value of the land reflects a Major Industrial Use.
Farm forms
General Application for Farm Classification (PDF)
This form is to be used to apply to have land classified as farm because it is used for a qualifying agricultural purpose. PDF "fillable" form fields allow for automatic calculations. Please note that you will still need to print the completed form for signature, then scan and email as an attachment, mail or fax to BCA. To download the current version of Adobe Reader,
click here.
Farm Classification Lease Form (PDF)
This form can be used to submit current lease information to BC Assessment.
Retired Farmer's Dwelling Land Application (PDF)
This form is to be used to apply to have the land associated with your dwelling classified as farm when you have personally retired from farming but your land is still being used for a qualifying agricultural purpose.
CAD EFT Direct Deposit Application Form (PDF)
This form is for use by Canadian suppliers to set up direct deposit banking information in order to receive payment for goods and/or services supplied to BCA.
USD ACH Direct Deposit Application Form (PDF)
This form is for use by American suppliers to set up direct deposit banking information in order to receive payment for goods and/or services supplied to BCA.
Contact us
This online form can be used to submit questions about our website or your property assessment.