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Test System

We are dedicated learners

We are dedicated learners


We build expertise through ongoing mentorship, education and varied experiences. We prioritize opportunities to develop and share our skills and knowledge to help each other and the organization reach our potential.

This value is built on the concepts of ideas of knowledge, expertise and learning.​

​Key ideas:​​

  • Learning is intentional, multi-directional and never stops

  • Knowledge and expertise are required to provide reliable, trusted service

  • Individual knowledge and skills drives collective knowledge

  • ​​Professional growth, mentorship and training build our expertise​​

​When lived, this value helps us:

  • ​​​Instill confidence and pride in the integrity of the services we provide 

  • ​​​​Feel we can grow our careers at BCA 

  • ​Prioritize opportunities to seek out and share our knowledge, expertise and learning with each other through training and mentorship​

